What is the common point between creativity and meditation ?How can we meditate easily and become more productive ? Creativity is powerful and
Business Model Canvas & Innovation Canvas
What is the difference between the more common Business Model and the innovation Business Model ?Are they different ? No matter if you are an
The TRIZ method (or TIPS method)
Origin The TRIZ method is originally from Russia, where it was developped in the 40s' by the inventor and author Mr. Genrich Altshuller. The
The SCAMPER method
How can you use the SCAMPER method ?Which verbs are hidden behind this abbreviation ? Origin Before going through any method, it is
The 6 Thinking Hats
have you ever heard about the 6 thinking hats method ? Are you aware of its efficiency when using it in project development ? The 6 thinking
The 3 Disney Chairs
Have you heard of the creative method called the 3 Disney Chairs ?What is it exactly ?How to use it? We all know Mr. Walt Disney and his
Visual Thinking
Where does Visual Thinking come from and what is it useful for ?Can we really use it within a company ? As many other techniques, Visual
Mind Mapping
What is Mind MappingHow to proceed to make it efficient in entreprise ? Mind Mapping became really popular in the 70s', when it was introduced
Formulate the right Creative Questions
How to formulate the right questions, when developing a project ? The topic of today is to learn to formulate the right questions when applying