The training on Facilitation in Innovation will take place. 1 day of training and 3 months of coaching included, an offer for people who wish to boost their creativity and innovation at work. Due to the recent coronavirus outbreak, we have decided to create an online training on facilitation in innovation, in order to continue support and help companies. We provide you with the necessary tools and methods to structurally and efficiently develop your company. This workshop will also allow you to better answer your future clients' needs. For entrepreneurs and teams wishing to develop new businesses, products and processes, Think2Make helps you facilitate innovation and learn creative problem solving methods. We accompany you during the process of innovation. We are happy to help you planing strategic actions, or build ideation workshops for you - all of that in a quick, focused and frank manner. We intervene according to your need for a period of 3 months. The size of a team working on a project is of around 10 people. Those people include collaborators, experts and facilitators involved in the projects. We deliver services leading to new opportunities and help you think outside the box - so that you can build the future ! This publication is for teams wishing to concretise innovative projects, as much for startups as for conglomerates (directors, R&D team, marketing, etc.). This will also be useful if you are in the process to start your own business or test your ideas with the implication of other people.
Next Training Date
Online Innovation Training
4 sessions of an hour online and live
Online Entrepreunarial Workshop
Welcome to think2make.
Coaching in innovation
Facilitation in innovation
Conference in innovation
The book for your innovation
Welcome to Think2Make, the ideas factory!
Founded in 2014, the think2make ideas factory is specialised in creativity and innovation in the industry sector. Moreover, We intervene in various ways, helping in products and companies development, process optimisation. Our clients are entrepreneurs, working in R&D projects and innovative marketing.
We design tailored and highly collaborative interventions (not only brainstorming), to implement solutions that have meaningful impact on the market. In short, The delivered value exceeds 10 x its fee. Our approach is efficient, fresh, action oriented, creative and easy to put in place.