For our first publication, we are proud to introduce you a unique book called : Organise creativity – the spirit of jazz music. It was written by John Kao and published in 2000 by Village Mondial. This book’s topic is still extremely accurate.
Wether you believe that the author has made a great analogy betweem tje world of jazz music and creativity at work or not, he makes a convincing argument on the following question :
Why En dehors du fait que l’auteur propose une analogie bien réussie entre le monde du jazz et celui de l’entreprise créative, ce livre répond, avec de bons arguments à cette question :

because companies have to reinvent themselves to ensure the right evolution.
because many workers believe to be allowed to work on their creativity.
because information technology influence us into that path.
This book allows you to reflect on future actions needed to be undertaken within an entreprise. We highly recommend it to you !
To find out more about this book : ISBN-13: 978-2842110482 (on amazon)